Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Cataracts

Daisy Shu, Graduate Student – University of Sydney

Stories_insci Stories_insci on June 3, 2018

Daisy Shu

In less than 200 words, what main research questions are you working on? Please make sure to first include a brief context and background to your research, articulate your question(s) and conclude with why you think it’s important to study the them (i.e., the potential broader impacts).
Cataract is a clouding of the lens inside our eyes and is the leading cause of blindness worldwide. My research explores how cataracts form and how we can prevent them using molecular biology techniques. I study the cellular communication pathways inside our ocular lens in a normal healthy lens and how a breakdown in this cellular communication leads to abnormal and aberrant transformation of cells into a cataract. By understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying cataract, we can then develop more effective drugs to cure this blinding disease. Learn More