Tag: mentorship

Ice, heat, science, and acting

Morgan Dundon: "I think we should be more accepting of our many dimensions, both academics and actors alike. In my world of materials science, there are solid materials that can exist in more than one form or structure."

/ July 1, 2020

An Unexpected Path: Discovering my Passion for Science Outreach and Administration

Heather McKellar: I have been lucky to follow in the footsteps of strong mentors and lean a supportive network of peers. They have all taught me to step outside of my comfort zone and take advantage of the opportunities to...

/ October 8, 2019

Wandering Across Fields in Science

Irv Epstein: "Reluctant to accept the result of an undergraduate’s accident over the published wisdom of senior investigators, I told him to redo the experiment under controlled conditions.  He did so, and returned to tell me that he had obtained...

/ September 12, 2019

Paying it Forward Matters

Dr. Avital Rodal: "There are many reasons to pour your heart into helping and supporting others, including the knowledge that you are doing the right thing, and the appreciation and gratitude that it brings back to you. I discovered that...

/ September 7, 2019

My Kaleidoscopic Journey in Science

If you observe carefully, you’ll find a similar pattern in science and life. Both teach you the same lessons. The lessons that you learn from science help you solve problems in life as well.

/ April 5, 2018

A New Beginning: From Bench to Boardroom

When I began my PhD, I was quite certain that I would pursue a research career. But unlike most of my classmates, I was set on going into industry rather than academia.

/ February 4, 2018

Can You Ever Escape Your Personal and Scientific Bubbles?

I’ve wanted desperately from early on to have a straightforward path. I imagined that everyone knew what they were supposed to be doing professionally, and that they were surely great at it. Everyone but me. I always thought that I...

/ January 21, 2018

Fear is Nothing But an Illusion

Everything happened like I was offsetting a chain reaction of events. It made me realize that fear is nothing but an illusion.

/ December 14, 2017

My Journey Coming Out of the Deep Dark Ditch of “publish or perish”

This is my story – the story of going through a tremulous phase of my life during which I lost faith in science and myself, but eventually regained it.

/ December 7, 2017

To Be or Not To Be

Fanuel Muindi and Juan Carlos Escobar   Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were 12? I sure do! Well, I recently asked my Little what he wanted to be when he grew up.  I can’t believe...

/ February 26, 2017

A non-linear path to the career I never knew I always wanted

By Valerie K. Haftel Ph.D | Associate Professor of Biology, Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA I was always fascinated by animals, and how they work in nature.  I had a fondness for playing in streams with friends, catching frogs, collecting buckets of...

/ February 18, 2017