Month: November 2020

Flickering Lights in the Darkness: How Microscopy Shaped My Scientific Path

Natalie Nannas: "Watching those flickering green dots shuttling around the cell convinced me that my future was in research."

/ November 30, 2020

How Getting Kicked Out of My Lab Kick-Started My Career

Kristen Vogt Veggeberg: "I could not have earned the distinction of [Impact Scholar] had I not started my career in graduate school, and I could not have started without that initial failure at hand."

/ November 20, 2020

A Long and Winding Road: One Disabled Scientist’s Story

Katie Stofer: "Mine is a story of [social and financial] supports, and how I am able to do my research not only because of them but in spite of my chronic illness, which I’ve just recently come to recognize as...

/ November 18, 2020