Category: Professional

Fishing for Change: How Fish Tanks and Textbooks Taught Me to Fall in Love with Science (and Discover its Flaws)
Jeromy DiGiacomo: "I hope my story can highlight that in all its objectivity, the STEM community is not immune to prejudice or discrimination and that we have a lot of room to grow."

How Getting Kicked Out of My Lab Kick-Started My Career
Kristen Vogt Veggeberg: "I could not have earned the distinction of [Impact Scholar] had I not started my career in graduate school, and I could not have started without that initial failure at hand."

From Picking Grapes to Treating Cavities
Ramneek K. Batth: "I came to recognize the importance of research and it’s need to advance almost every, if not all, aspects of life."

Finding Clarity in Chaos
Hazal Uzunkaya: "If you asked me what I wanted to be at the age of five, I would say a Veterinarian, which later turned into an Astronaut Veterinarian, and then became Prime Minister Astronaut Veterinarian. I dreamed big, however scattered...

The Role of Cystic Fibrosis in my Life
Ella Balasa: "It’s always challenging, daunting, but the reward of feeling being understood through words is liberating, fulfilling, and worth it at the end. That’s why I do it."

The Journey Never Ends
Heather Metallides: I felt a great sense of pride that although I was told I couldn’t “do science,” I did it. Not only did I do it, but I did it well.

Science – A Poem
Jim is the CEO of NeuroLex which is focused on making voice computing accessible to everyone. Below is a poem he wrote for Stories in Science.

Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Around half of all Ph.D. students across fields don’t complete their program. I never thought I would be one of them.

Ibn Al Haytham: The Father of Modern Optics
Though he wasn’t always successful and did not even start as a scientist by profession, his scientific legacy stands. Ibn al Haytham is one of many non-western scientists whose work has significantly contributed to building science as we know it...

On Being Queer in STEM
Ive Velikova hosts Science With Ive, an educational YouTube channel that tackles quirky science questions. Her curiosity and evidence-based research lets you laugh and learn alongside her with each video. The story below was originally published on Sister, a new media platform aimed...

Loss, Love, and Science
Dr. Asuri is a Health Policy Analyst and Health Researcher at BC Public Service in Canada. She is a bio-medical scientist by training. She has experienced the thrill of directly watching human cells divide and has observed changes in patient...

You’re the Surgeon?
Dr. Qaali Hussein: "Despite my academic standing and extracurricular activities, my pursuit of surgery has always been received as an improbable endeavor. A hijab wearing Muslim girl was nobody’s idea of what a surgeon should be. And when I did...

My Kaleidoscopic Journey in Science
If you observe carefully, you’ll find a similar pattern in science and life. Both teach you the same lessons. The lessons that you learn from science help you solve problems in life as well.

The Humbug Scientist
Camille McIntyre: No research, animal care, education, or science anything occupation seemed to want me. Internships didn’t want me, not even for free. Retail stores didn’t seem to want me either. My period of unemployment made me question everything about...

A Journey in Science as a Dentist for Everyone
Dr. Nicholas Gordon: "As I look back over my journey in science, I realize that at each step of the way, I had friends and family who encouraged me as challenges arose."

How Science Hobbies Shaped My Life
To me, science isn’t just about discovering new theories and laws. It’s also about engaging in a deeper way with our world through intuition, observation, and formal education.

Fear is Nothing But an Illusion
Everything happened like I was offsetting a chain reaction of events. It made me realize that fear is nothing but an illusion.

Finding My Path in STEM
Ever noticed yourself living your dreams, or so you thought, only to realize it was a farce all along? That is the summary of my life. Well, until three months ago.

Activating My Tech Genes
Growing up without an interest in science, it was a bit strange that I always ended up doing science- related things. I was the average student that managed to make an impression on the people I came across. I got...

Tanqueray and Rocks
– by Silas Stafford – You can’t do geology without a nice gin and tonic. It’s gotta be Tanqueray, none of this Gordon’s crap. After a few you’ll start really appreciating the change in perspective”. Professor Shore’s voice boomed, brimming with gravid enthusiasm...