
Below are some additional community resources that also feature stories across other mediums that include podcasts and videos. Explore the rich community of story tellers!
People Behind the Science’s mission is to inspire current and future scientists, share the different paths to a successful career in science, educate the general population on what scientists do, and show the human side of science.
Skype a Scientist matches scientists with classrooms around the world! Scientists will skype into the classroom for 30-60 minute Q and A sessions that can cover the scientist’s expertise or what it’s like to be a scientist. We want to give students the opportunity to get to know a “real scientist”, and this program allows us to reach students from all over the world without having to leave the lab! We have over 1700 scientists ready to chat, and teachers can choose the type of scientist that will fit their classroom. Let’s start a conversation!
We believe that, now, more than ever, science is a part of everyone’s life. At The Story Collider, you’ll hear from scientists about all the times things went wrong, and occasionally right, in their labs, but you’ll also hear from people who haven’t had a formal connection to science since high school. We have physicists, comedians, neuroscientists, writers, actors, doctors, and many, many more telling their story. Some are heartbreaking; some are hilarious. They’re all true, and all, in one way or another, are about science.
I’m a Scientist is a free online program where school students meet and interact with scientists. It’s an American Idol-style competition between scientists, where the students are the judges. Students challenge the scientists over fast-paced online text-based live CHATs. They ASK the scientists anything they want, and VOTE for their favorite scientist to receive $500 to communicate their work with the public.

Vanguard: Conversations with Women of Color in STEM, or #VanguardSTEM for short, is a live, monthly web-series featuring a rotating panel of women of color in STEM discussing a wide variety of topics including their research interests, wisdom, advice, tips, tricks and current events (among many other things!). It’s a lively gathering moderated by founder and host, Dr. Jedidah Isler, with questions and input from our viewers via social media. The guiding principle of the show is to create conversations between emerging and established women of color in STEM, where we can celebrate and affirm our identities and STEM interests in a safe space.
Scientists not the Science is a podcast that explores what it means to be a scientist. Physicist and active researcher Dr Stuart Higgins explores the issues that affect those working in science through a mixture of biographical interviews and discussions. Guests include scientists at all career levels, from students just starting out to world-famous scientists. The show also explores themes such as self-identity, confidence and working pressures for people pursuing an academic career, and reflects on this in comparison to other industries.
Through this website/blog & podcast, I (Prasha Sarwate) want to use my voice and the hundreds of stories of REAL Women in STEM to inspire more girls to join forces to change the world!! Ordinary Women Extraordinary Stories. I am trying to create a community of brave, smart, aspiring and confident women, who can inspire girls to take up more challenging higher education and fill the gender gap in STEM fields around the world!
Over 20,000 women of STEM and supporters from more than 100 countries have signed in support of 500 Women Scientists, pledging to build an inclusive scientific community dedicated to training a more diverse group of future leaders in science and to use the language of science to bridge divides and enhance global diplomacy.
We are a community of Nigerian scientists, from graduate students to professors, based within and outside Africa, united by a passion for science. Our mission is to enhance the visibility of Nigerian scientists and generate a database of their science stories so as to inspire the future generation of scientists. Explore our website.
The goal of this Blog and it’s related Podcast is to provide information about the field of Archaeology through the perspective of the women who work in it. We are four women, plus guests, who saw the need for better female representation in archaeological media and decided to do something about it.