Welcome to our lab! This is where we will be exploring and testing new ideas to support the central mission of Stories in Science. Ideas include improvements to the website, new ways to visualize and analyze stories, curriculum development, and so much more. The sky is the limit! Got an idea? Contact us!
We are happy to work with SurveyLex to allow us to use their voice survey technology to transcribe people's submissions of audio recordings of their stories in science. Try it out!

We are happy to integrate Hypothes.is which allows readers to conduct sentence-level note taking, highlight text, read socially, and engage other readers beyond the traditional commenting system.

The number of stories in our database will continue to increase with time. As such, it is important to keep track of the stories you read or want to read at a later time. By creating an account, you will be able to save all the important stories that you read or the stories that you want to explore later. We will continue to add new features for the user accounts so stay tuned!

What questions are scientists working on? Fanuel Muindi is currently running a limited project to characterize these questions in order to help the public and others understand the immense diversity of questions in science. Are you conducting research? Share your questions!
We continue to look for new ways to expand the reach of our stories. We think the podcast platform will eventually increase story dissemination onto other platforms such as radio which is an important target of ours. Currently, our authors are able to use our podcast to expand on their stories. The number of episodes continue to grow.

We continue to explore new ways to visualize stories. The image to the left illustrates a story visualized by W. Bradford Paley's TextArc. The current text is represented on the perimeter of the circle, starting at the top and looping around clockwise. Each occurrence of a term pulls the term toward its location on the perimeter and the position of the term label is the mean of these forces (or wighted centroid). The text is "read" from start to finish, with repeating, non-stopword terms, visited by the animated arc. The occurrences of the currently read term are shown by lines to the perimeter.

We are looking for ways to integrate game mechanics into the process of exploring stories in science. The goal is to capture the interest of readers and inspire them to continue learning by using stories.
The traditional journal club is a regular gathering of group members (students, professors, and others) to discuss a scientific paper found in a research journal. One person typically leads the discussion about the paper but all attendees are expected to have read the paper as well. We think the same can take place for stories.