Investigating fundamental mechanisms that preserve homeostasis

Diego Acosta-Alvear, Assistant Professor – UC Santa Barbara

Stories_insci Stories_insci on April 20, 2018

Diego Acosta-Alvear

In less than 200 words, what main research questions are you working on? Please make sure to first include a brief context and background to your research, articulate your question(s) and conclude with why you think it’s important to study the them (i.e., the potential broader impacts).
Our lab investigates the molecular mechanisms by which cellular stress response signaling networks reinstate homeostasis or promote cell death. Specifically, we are interested in understanding how proteins and RNAs interface within these networks to control their output, and the mechanisms responsible for controlling network plasticity. By understanding how these networks are wired in healthy cells we can discern how they become re-wired during disease. Learn More