Tag: family

Becoming a parent in academia – when science fails you
B. Muehlroth: "Although I managed to continue devoting a major part of my life to my PhD, my life with infertility made me aware of my own boundaries and forced me to overstep them many times. I was never sure...

When Trauma Changes Your Life and Research
Prof. Dan J. Mallinson: "It can be difficult to change a research trajectory. We, especially in pursuit of promotion and tenure, are expected to present ourselves as a nice neat package. “This is who I am and what I do.”

PhD or Family? Does it have to be one or the other?
Aditi Deshpande is a scientist at Allena Pharmaceuticals in Newton, MA. She is a biochemist and a chemical engineer by training. Dr. Deshpande is motivated to transform emerging science into products suitable for commercial development and also bring first-in class...

Positivity in the Face of Setbacks: My Developing Journey in Science
Saumya Menon - Motherhood is a full time job. My family is my priority but I continue to yearn for the day when I will get the opportunity to continue my journey pursuing a career in research. I am confident...