Tag: health sciences

From Picking Grapes to Treating Cavities
Ramneek K. Batth: "I came to recognize the importance of research and it’s need to advance almost every, if not all, aspects of life."

Unexpected lessons from conducting research with older adults
Julia Nolte: "Becoming a gerontologist has taught me many unexpected things about the way the “stages of life” translate into lifespan research. Given these surprising lessons, my advice to other budding researchers is this: know that being an expert in...

The Role of Cystic Fibrosis in my Life
Ella Balasa: "It’s always challenging, daunting, but the reward of feeling being understood through words is liberating, fulfilling, and worth it at the end. That’s why I do it."

A Journey in Science as a Dentist for Everyone
Dr. Nicholas Gordon: "As I look back over my journey in science, I realize that at each step of the way, I had friends and family who encouraged me as challenges arose."