Tag: male

Finding a Passion for Physics and Virtual Reality Headsets
Haxhi Pantina: "To this day, I still like reading about stars and the universe, but quantum mechanics, quantum optics, and quantum information contain the largest part of my daily routine."

My Career Path Following Water from the Mountain to the Sea and Across an Ocean
Jeeban Panthi: "My professional and personal journey to understand water continues to unfold, and I was a part of a multi-year collaborative research project on climate and water in Nepal."

Limits to Perfection: Searching For Order in Chaos
Kumaresh Krishnan: "Understanding when the details of a model are satisfactory for the research questions being asked is one of the most critical steps in my work."

Fishing for Change: How Fish Tanks and Textbooks Taught Me to Fall in Love with Science (and Discover its Flaws)
Jeromy DiGiacomo: "I hope my story can highlight that in all its objectivity, the STEM community is not immune to prejudice or discrimination and that we have a lot of room to grow."

Growing Up in Science: Gyorgy Buzsaki
György Buzsáki: "To be part of such a conversation, all I had to do was to learn Morse code, memorize the Q language, learn a bit about electronics, pass exams, get a license, build a transmitter and receiver, and set...

Growing Up in Science: David M. Schneider
David Schneider: "When I finished my masters, I applied to 11 PhD programs and was rejected by all of them. The next obvious step (to me) was to cold-call the director of graduate studies at Columbia (where I had just...

Bringing the Bench to Life
Steven J. Del Signore: "As a basic cell biologist who uses fruit flies as a model organism to investigate the causes of neurological disease, the gap between my science and its potential impact on human health at times feels very...

Discovering Zoology Through My Passion for Birdwatching II: Is There a Final Word in Research?
Abdul Jamil Urfi: "I still have some years left before I retire. But the clock has started ticking and I can hear it loud and clear."

Discovering Zoology Through My Passion for Birdwatching: Part 1
Abdul Jamil Urfi: "...popularly known as the birdman of India, had once said in an interview ‘Birdwatching is like measles. You have got to catch the disease’. I had caught that disease long ago and when I began to tire...

Robert Froemke: The Official and Unofficial Stories
Dr. Froemke is an Associate Professor in the Department of Neuroscience and Physiology at the NYU School of Medicine. His lab researches how biological systems adapt and learn to improve behavior. The story below was originally published on Growing up...

Debts and Lessons (in Science)
Colm P. Kelleher is a postdoc at Harvard University specializing in biophysics and soft matter physics. As well as research, Colm is interested in science communication and education. In this article, he writes about about the importance of mentors and...

Taking a Multidisciplinary Approach to Learning
Johnathan Yeo: I was amazed at the depths that biology could go. There was so much more to learn, discover and connect. Again, I learned by forming links between areas such biology and chemistry.

Building My Research Lab in India
Dr. Dileep Vasudevan: What I have learned from my experience is that one needs to have immense amount of patience and perseverance to survive in academic research. The little moments of happiness that come in between times of failures should be...

A Journey in Science as a Dentist for Everyone
Dr. Nicholas Gordon: "As I look back over my journey in science, I realize that at each step of the way, I had friends and family who encouraged me as challenges arose."

Understanding by Doing
Tyler J. Ford: Now that I’ve got my PhD, and I’ve been working in a science communication position for a few years, I’m often asked how I “ended up” in SciComm. The first thing to point out is that I...

Best of Both Worlds: A Two-Timer’s Story
To this very day, I will often get comments on being a fool leaving a well-paid full-time job for a career in research that may not guarantee me an academic position. However, I am still full of gusto entering the...

From rural China to Harvard and beyond
By Jiang He | Postdoctoral Scholar | MIT | I grew up as a farmer in China in a pre-industrial farming society. When I was born, my village had no cars, no telephones, no electricity, not even running water. Electricity...

From engrams to psychiatric disorders and back
– Steve Ramirez – – Principal Investigator | Center for Brain Science| Harvard University – I‘m often asked how I got into neuroscience, so here’s the story. In college, I was one of those students who loved every subject, from...

Surviving as an underrepresented minority scientist
by Stories in Science Team <> In case you missed this article, songbird neurobiologist Dr. Erich Jarvis of The Rockefeller University was the recipient of the 2015 Ernest Everett Just Award from the American Society for Cell Biology. He wrote a...