Tag: Non Profit

How Getting Kicked Out of My Lab Kick-Started My Career

Kristen Vogt Veggeberg: "I could not have earned the distinction of [Impact Scholar] had I not started my career in graduate school, and I could not have started without that initial failure at hand."

/ November 20, 2020

Science and the Crooked Path

Emily Schoerning is a benchtop researcher turned education specialist. Raised in a working-class family on a diet of Isaac Asimov, she decided she would become a scientist when she was nine years old. She stuck to her plan, defending her...

/ June 21, 2018

Take a Chance On Me

by Jessica Okoro | TEDxLeicester Jessica Okoro the founder and director of BeScience STEM. Their mission is to “bring STEM to communities that do not currently have the opportunity to experience different aspects of STEM and to explore career choices, explore...

/ April 25, 2017