Tag: tech

Finding Clarity in Chaos
Hazal Uzunkaya: "If you asked me what I wanted to be at the age of five, I would say a Veterinarian, which later turned into an Astronaut Veterinarian, and then became Prime Minister Astronaut Veterinarian. I dreamed big, however scattered...

Debugging The Girl Code: My Journey in Computer Science and Confidence
Anagha Krishnan: Days later, my mind was reeling. How could she say something like that? My mother, who couldn’t attend the conference with me, was very angry when she heard the story. “That’ is absolutely ridiculous,” she said, “You can...

Fear is Nothing But an Illusion
Everything happened like I was offsetting a chain reaction of events. It made me realize that fear is nothing but an illusion.

Finding My Path in STEM
Ever noticed yourself living your dreams, or so you thought, only to realize it was a farce all along? That is the summary of my life. Well, until three months ago.

Activating My Tech Genes
Growing up without an interest in science, it was a bit strange that I always ended up doing science- related things. I was the average student that managed to make an impression on the people I came across. I got...