Tag: video

Stories in Science Nanochat: Alfredo Spagna, PhD
Alfredo Spagna, PhD: "The role for the scientist is making science accessible...we have to improve our way in which we communicate new discoveries as a milestone in a scientific process."

How Much Poop Does a Worm Make When They Only Eat Zuccchhiinnniii?
Vivekanand Pandey Vimal

From Juvenile Detention to Neuroscience
Raul Ramos shared his inspiring personal journey into science with high school students from Waltham High School as part of the series, The Brandeis MRSEC and WHS present: Science Pizza Talks. AAAS provided additional support for this event.

Moments: My Daughter’s Journey in Science as a Father
People always ask me how my daughter Amoy got into science. My first thought typically: "Is there an actual event that I can pinpoint?" Was there one particular thing I could isolate and say, "this was the moment." There were definitely several defining moments I can think back to. Moments like...

My Science Love Story
Picture it. 1996. I was working as an admin at a research center in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. In addition to being the coffee-maker extraordinaire, I autoclaved agar, washed Erlenmeyer flasks, and I ordered lab supplies.

Watch Your Steps!
– by Fanuel Muindi – How many steps do you take in a day? We take so many of them every day (around 6000 or so) without a care. For many of us, the focus is on our destinations. Spend...

The Courage to Say No
by William Yakah | Undergraduate Student (Neuroscience) | Michigan State University | Like many others in middle school, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to be in the future. In 6th grade, my class had a group of college students talk...

Take a Chance On Me
by Jessica Okoro | TEDxLeicester Jessica Okoro the founder and director of BeScience STEM. Their mission is to “bring STEM to communities that do not currently have the opportunity to experience different aspects of STEM and to explore career choices, explore...