Understanding by Doing
Tyler J. Ford: Now that I’ve got my PhD, and I’ve been working in a science communication position for a few years, I’m often asked how I “ended up” in SciComm. The first thing to point out is that I...

Everything Starts with a Dream
In this camp, there were students from different ages and nationalities. We were trained for an international competition, called Rover Challenge, organized by NASA, for which we had to build a Rover and drive it on a road with obstacles...

Fear is Nothing But an Illusion
Everything happened like I was offsetting a chain reaction of events. It made me realize that fear is nothing but an illusion.

My Journey Coming Out of the Deep Dark Ditch of “publish or perish”
This is my story – the story of going through a tremulous phase of my life during which I lost faith in science and myself, but eventually regained it.

The Day I Met Her
I carefully approached her with the intention to learn more. I took the first step to introduce myself with a “hi, my name is Ivan." It didn’t quite work as she seemed hesitant to respond. Nevertheless, I had to strike...

My Science Love Story
Picture it. 1996. I was working as an admin at a research center in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. In addition to being the coffee-maker extraordinaire, I autoclaved agar, washed Erlenmeyer flasks, and I ordered lab supplies.

When your greatest weakness becomes your greatest strength
I have a language disability and a fine motor skill deficit. As a child, I would try not to speak up in class or speak too loudly because I was afraid I would misspeak. I knew what I wanted to...

Perseverance to Passion
In my life, perseverance is growing up in the inner city of Flint, Michigan. Gangs, violence, and drugs were part of everyday life. I’ve seen someone being run down by a car, shot in the head, and been shot at...

Me Versus Me
It was around 8th grade that my own personal video game boss blocked my progression. I was struggling in an earth science class and failing to reach the high standards I had set for myself. It wasn’t long before I...

Best of Both Worlds: A Two-Timer’s Story
To this very day, I will often get comments on being a fool leaving a well-paid full-time job for a career in research that may not guarantee me an academic position. However, I am still full of gusto entering the...

Hispaniola Born Earthbound Explorer
I thought my biggest role in life was to become a wife and mother. As such, I ended up in a very toxic marriage right out of high school. I left the marriage and I ultimately became homeless. I actually...

Finding My Path in STEM
Ever noticed yourself living your dreams, or so you thought, only to realize it was a farce all along? That is the summary of my life. Well, until three months ago.

Activating My Tech Genes
Growing up without an interest in science, it was a bit strange that I always ended up doing science- related things. I was the average student that managed to make an impression on the people I came across. I got...

Breaking Through My Glass Ceiling…Twice
I was not born a scientist nor was I born with the knowledge that I would one day be a L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Laureate in France. However, I attained these achievements through maintaining curiosity, making difficult choices, sustaining...

Art and Design Meets Science: A Reflective Conversation on Science Communication
For all its diversity, one thing is certain: like science, art and design makes its own image of the world. Both are searching for a deeper insights, for the not obviously visible, for the substantial, and how our common future...

From Pond Scum To A Pinnacle of Paleoanthropology
John S. Mead – Master Science Teacher – As a Life Science teacher, I have a deep and passionate love for microscopic life (protists in particular), and was able to rig up a primitive camera to my microscope in the...

Discovering the Scientist Within Me
– Stefanie Morgan – – Doctoral Student in Cancer Biology at Stanford University – The first time I met a scientist was in college. Prior to then, science seemed just an abstract concept that was reserved for the unusually intelligent....

My Unconventional yet Common Science Career Path
Science is an experience! Once you have tasted it, it is tough to let go!

Overcoming Stereotypes in Education
– Laurie Wallmark – Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve loved math and science. After all, playing with numbers was fun! I think I read every math book our public library had to offer. And science? What’s not to...

Science Inspiration and Breaking the Mold – Mixing Fashion and Science
– Andrea Hadjikyriacou, Ph.D.- Ever since I was a young child, I knew I wanted to pursue science. In third grade, I vividly remember being excited for the new science text books/workbooks we would receive throughout the year. My favorite...

The untapped genius that could change science for the better
– Jedidah Isler, Ph.D.- The transcript below the video is from a talk that Dr. Isler presented in August 2015 at an official TED conference. You can find the talk HERE. It is included here with permission from Dr. Isler. Great things...

Stride On
– Kwasi Agbleke, Ph.D. – My journey through two decades has been that of mission, vision, and determination. As a young boy, I always had difficulty answering the question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” For...

The Anxiety Fights Back
– Erica Hawkins – – The story below originally appeared on Erica’s Phd Freaking Out Blog on August 9, 2017 – Anxiety ebbs and flows. One week you can feel super chilled, and the next feel on the edge all...

Babies and Biochemistry: My Path to Finding Balance
– Cara Florance – I’m the daughter of a physicist and chemist. My parents exposed me to many types of science from an early age and I loved it. I always wanted a career in science and I successfully sought...

Crystals are a Girl’s Best Friend
– Julia Bates – “Oh look at my pretty crystals!” I squealed in delight. “Remember, the pretty ones aren’t always the best,” the postdoc sitting next to me commented. I rolled my eyes, even though I know he was right....

Forever a scientist: How I found my career niche
– Julia Bates – “No Julia, you are still a scientist. You will always be a scientist”. Those were the words spoken by my mentor Professor Jenny Martin, as we sat drinking coffee in a sunny café in my hometown...

Swimming in the Sea of Mysteries
– Hyunseung Hong – For as long as I can remember, my scientific pursuits have given me the eyes to see and understand the world around me. I was intrigued by science because it allowed me to better understand how...

How Can We Help? Creating the Superwomen in Science Podcast
– Cordon Purcell & Nicole George – In the fall of 2016, we were both in our first year of grad school and living together in Montreal (Cordon was sleeping on a crappy air mattress in Nicole’s living room). As...