Category: Beyond the Bench

Limits to Perfection: Searching For Order in Chaos
Kumaresh Krishnan: "Understanding when the details of a model are satisfactory for the research questions being asked is one of the most critical steps in my work."

How Much Poop Does a Worm Make When They Only Eat Zuccchhiinnniii?
Vivekanand Pandey Vimal

An Unexpected Path: Discovering my Passion for Science Outreach and Administration
Heather McKellar: I have been lucky to follow in the footsteps of strong mentors and lean a supportive network of peers. They have all taught me to step outside of my comfort zone and take advantage of the opportunities to...

Finding My Own Way in Science
Milka Kostic: "I was making discoveries. I was publishing my research results. I was enjoying research. But somewhere along the way, I lost my passion for doing science, and I found myself facing a real conundrum."

Loss, Love, and Science
Dr. Asuri is a Health Policy Analyst and Health Researcher at BC Public Service in Canada. She is a bio-medical scientist by training. She has experienced the thrill of directly watching human cells divide and has observed changes in patient...

Science and the Crooked Path
Emily Schoerning is a benchtop researcher turned education specialist. Raised in a working-class family on a diet of Isaac Asimov, she decided she would become a scientist when she was nine years old. She stuck to her plan, defending her...

How My PhD Training is Empowering Me
Teresa Ambrosio: "I wasn’t aware I was suffering from depression for so long and I blamed chemistry for missing out on all the other aspects of life. I suddenly realized that my whole world was my 1x2 square meter desk...

A PhD in a Pageant Gown: On Fear, Growth & Defining Success
Dr. Vania Cao is the Commercial Programs Lead at Inscopix Inc. She is a neuroscientist, writer, business consultant and Founder of Free the PhD, a career transition platform supporting fellow PhDs to land a job and life they'll love outside...

A New Beginning: From Bench to Boardroom
When I began my PhD, I was quite certain that I would pursue a research career. But unlike most of my classmates, I was set on going into industry rather than academia.

Can You Ever Escape Your Personal and Scientific Bubbles?
I’ve wanted desperately from early on to have a straightforward path. I imagined that everyone knew what they were supposed to be doing professionally, and that they were surely great at it. Everyone but me. I always thought that I...

From Bug Barns to Morse Code
When I was seven or eight years old, my parents asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I thought real hard and then confidently stated, “I want either a diamond or a bug barn.” I collected bugs in that...

Understanding by Doing
Tyler J. Ford: Now that I’ve got my PhD, and I’ve been working in a science communication position for a few years, I’m often asked how I “ended up” in SciComm. The first thing to point out is that I...

My Journey Coming Out of the Deep Dark Ditch of “publish or perish”
This is my story – the story of going through a tremulous phase of my life during which I lost faith in science and myself, but eventually regained it.

My Science Love Story
Picture it. 1996. I was working as an admin at a research center in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. In addition to being the coffee-maker extraordinaire, I autoclaved agar, washed Erlenmeyer flasks, and I ordered lab supplies.

Perseverance to Passion
In my life, perseverance is growing up in the inner city of Flint, Michigan. Gangs, violence, and drugs were part of everyday life. I’ve seen someone being run down by a car, shot in the head, and been shot at...

My Unconventional yet Common Science Career Path
Science is an experience! Once you have tasted it, it is tough to let go!

Babies and Biochemistry: My Path to Finding Balance
– Cara Florance – I’m the daughter of a physicist and chemist. My parents exposed me to many types of science from an early age and I loved it. I always wanted a career in science and I successfully sought...

Crystals are a Girl’s Best Friend
– Julia Bates – “Oh look at my pretty crystals!” I squealed in delight. “Remember, the pretty ones aren’t always the best,” the postdoc sitting next to me commented. I rolled my eyes, even though I know he was right....

Forever a scientist: How I found my career niche
– Julia Bates – “No Julia, you are still a scientist. You will always be a scientist”. Those were the words spoken by my mentor Professor Jenny Martin, as we sat drinking coffee in a sunny café in my hometown...

Academic dreams: they come and they go
– Bill Hinchen – Is it time I let go of the academic dream? I seem to have been battling with this question for several years now. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to do science — I mean proper...

Discovering My Passion for Teaching
Jennifer Gatti - "My message to my students is simple: don’t be afraid to try new things and don’t get stuck doing something simply because you think it is what you are supposed to do. You never know where you...

How To Be a Superstar With No Instructions
– Marguerite Matthews, PhD – . At 4 years old, I was sure I’d be a superstar! My father has endless video recordings of me prancing around, belting out my favorite songs or performing mundane tasks with Shakespearean theatrics. I was ready at a moment’s notice to...

From Grandma’s Backyard to the Bench
Rodolfo Jimenez My parents were so young when they had me. They both had to put school on hold in order to provide for their new family. Because of my parents’ varying work schedules, my grandmother had a big role...

Love The Path You Travel
Jessica Rauchut – Research Associate at Penn State Hershey Medical School || At 22, many of us are graduating, starting new jobs, becoming doctors, getting married, or having kids, while the rest of us are still trying to figure out how...