Tag: high school

How Studying the Brain Transformed my Brain
Lori Saxena: "I began to understand that I didn’t love neuroscience because of the medals and acclaim it gave me, but because of its universality. Because it can be studied and tested and corrected—an ever-expanding, ever-improving existential philosophy."

The Journey Never Ends
Heather Metallides: I felt a great sense of pride that although I was told I couldn’t “do science,” I did it. Not only did I do it, but I did it well.

Iridescence in a World of Noir
Parin Shaik: "I sacrificed my hobbies and interests for the sole purpose of becoming the epitome of perfection. I became afraid that if I couldn't live up to their expectations, I would be nothing but a failure."

My Stolen Identity: I Was Told That Science Was Not Meant For Me
Pei Qin (Sabrina) Ng - My persistence in science enraged my biology teacher. Every lesson, she publicly shamed me in front of the class, proclaiming how bad I am at science, especially biology. She warned my classmates that they were...

Keep Pushing Forward
Hello! My name is Barakat Oyiza Abubakar. I am a 14 year old girl from a family of 6. I live with my mum and 5 siblings in Abuja, Nigeria. I would tell other girls that no matter the situation...

Barriers Are Meant To Be Broken
Taylor Richardson: "But here I am and what I know is that I want to be, no scratch that, I will be a scientist, engineer and an astronaut. I know that everything that has happened to me in my past...

Discovering the Scientist Within Me
– Stefanie Morgan – – Doctoral Student in Cancer Biology at Stanford University – The first time I met a scientist was in college. Prior to then, science seemed just an abstract concept that was reserved for the unusually intelligent....

Better Get Used to Me
– Taylor Richardson | High School Student | The Bolles School – Speech below was delivered at the 2017 March for Science in Washington, D.C. My name is Taylor Richardson, I live in Jacksonville, Florida where I attend The Bolles...

Discovering My Passion for Teaching
Jennifer Gatti - "My message to my students is simple: don’t be afraid to try new things and don’t get stuck doing something simply because you think it is what you are supposed to do. You never know where you...